A campaign that simplifies recycling complexities into information that can easily be translated into people’s everyday habits, assisting and motivating consumers to recycle more and reduce waste. 
A visual system of simple actionable 'tests' was developed to function as checklists, outlining the criteria that determine an item’s recyclability. The final artefacts consist of a recycling handbook, a recycling app, and promotional social media material that provide the necessary support people need to improve their recycling knowledge and practices.
Campaign Design
Research Strategy
App Design
Publication Design

InDesign, Illustrator, 
Based on preliminary research into the complications surrounding recycling, I identified common attitudes many associate with household recycling. Through this mind map, I also explored potential target audiences and the overall aims of the campaign. In considering how the campaign should address these aspects, this project resolved to answer the following research question:
“How can we motivate and assist consumers to recycle and reduce waste 
in light of the complex realities of recycling?”

SortED recycling handbook

The publication acts as a recycling handbook that will be primarily used in the home to assist with household recycling efforts. A series of ‘tests’ were developed and featured within my publication to act as a checklist for the qualities that make certain items recyclable, based on the material they are made out of.

'Tests' to examine whether an item can be recycled

I developed a visual system by creating two to three sets of simple tests for each material. Standardised recycling lists were analysed and consolidated into visual systems that dictate an item’s recyclability. Doing so helped define the actions that could be taken to ‘test’ an item against the criteria. Targeting a focused problem area was essential in generating tests that are simple to understand and implement. 

Sections of the handbook distinguished by the four bin colours

Breakdown of recycling handbook spread

With the recycling handbook, learning about the complications that come with recycling different materials is crucial for understanding the reasoning behind what makes an item (not) recyclable. The tests that accompany each material are practical ways that can be applied to one’s day-to-day life.
The publication and app serve separate functions. The publication educates people on what can and cannot go into each household bin, while the latter assists its users in disposing items that can only be recycled through special services. This includes items like e-waste, hazardous substances, etc.

SortED recycling app

Walk-through of app

The app is a convenient way for its users to quickly check whether an item is recyclable or not with a search and filter function. It provides a means of tracking the user’s personal contribution as well as incentives in the form of points to increase motivation and participation.

Social media used to promote sustainable alternatives, giving waste a second life, recycling challenges and making pledges 

The social media posts showcase how recycled items can be given a second life and provide concise how-to’s that make it straightforward to switch to sustainable alternatives. 
Recycling challenges allow people to share their achievements from the app to celebrate the changes that they have made in their life. They are encouraged to make a pledge on what they can do to reduce their waste with the hashtag #GetItSortED to promote social accountability.

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