Attack of the Waking Dead
A campaign that employs a fun and unique approach to raise young people's awareness of the effects sleep deprivation has on one's mental health.
The campaign pitches sleep deprivation as an epidemic virus that is spreading rapidly and is something that has to be consciously fought against to overcome. It is primarily targeted towards teenagers and young adults aged 16–24 years old. To appeal to the young audience, the campaign uses gamification to educate them about the importance of sleep and how to improve their sleep hygiene.
Campaign Design
Research Strategy
App Design
Collateral Design

InDesign, Illustrator
Young people are most at risk of not getting enough sleep on a regular basis and developing mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
This helped me narrow down my target audience to focus on teenagers and young adults, consequently influencing the tone of messaging the campaign would deliver. Case studies on competitors were undertaken to investigate how common sleep-related problems were addressed through their campaigns.
Concept 1
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 3
User Testing
User Testing
Chosen Concept
Chosen Concept
Excerpts from campaign proposal document detailing initial concepts, user testing and concept evaluation
I came up with three distinct concepts for the campaign and rated each one based on target audience personas established early on in the project. 'Attack of the Waking Dead' was found to be the most effective and unique out of the three given its playful and innovative function of a lifestyle app disguised as a game.
App interface featuring missions, daily tasks and store
The app is designed to motivate the player to improve their sleep habits by performing missions and daily tasks that keep the 'waking dead' disease away. By completing these tasks, it can earn them 'Sleep Score' (SS), which acts as currency in the game. Accumulating SS allows the player to purchase items that help defend and fight against the waking dead.
Character designs featuring zombies that represent common causes of sleep deprivation
Character profiles with information on each zombie instructing how to defend against them
Poster designs with QR codes for people to scan and download the app
Website landing page
Website landing page
Instagram posts
Instagram posts
Website & Social media advertising

Tent booth for events held at high schools and universities

Pillow box packaging
Pillow box packaging
Sleep mask
Sleep mask
Pillow cases
Pillow cases
Sleep care pack with sleeping masks and pillow cases packaged in a pillow box
Notebooks & Sleep journals
Notebooks & Sleep journals
Stationery merchandise that will be distributed during campaign events

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